An Organized Sewing Space - Sewing Patterns
Michelle Burke
I spent several days going thought absolutely everything in my sewing room and organizing it all. Although my sewing room wasn't a complete disaster (I like to keep it somewhat neat), it needed quite a bit of work. As I went through everything, I really appreciated that I already had my sewing patterns organized well. I had a couple of sewing patterns that I had purchased recently that were easy to add to my collection thanks to my daughter, Sarah's hard work last summer to get the mess that was my sewing patterns under control.
I mostly have patterns for bags, but I do own a few patterns for clothing, stuffed animals and a few other miscellaneous items. I needed my patterns organized in a way so that I could find the directions easily (I still print them out) and so that the pattern pieces were in a place where they didn't get misplace or mixed up with other pattern pieces. Sarah and I worked together to figure out a system for pattern storage that would work for me.
I now have the directions for all my patterns in three-ring binders with index pages that list the names and designers of the patterns. Now when I am looking for a pattern, I just look at the index pages until I see the pattern and then go right to the directions in the binder.
The pieces for my patterns are located in file folders in their own file box. Sarah put the pattern piece file folders in the same order as the patterns are in the binders. She also color coded the file folders to correspond to the color that is associated with the pattern directions. I had to add the corresponding numbers too, just to make it easier on myself to find the pattern piece folder that I am looking for.
Look at how well the green dot on the Kristine ID Wallet file folder matches the green on the index page!
It is so nice having the directions for all my patterns in one place and also having the pattern pieces neatly stored in a way that is easy to find them and keep them nice. I also like that I can easily add patterns with this system without a lot of effort - thanks Sarah! Next up - organizing bag hardware!
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